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Comparing Smartcat and Kaplan Desktop

Which software is better? Here is a rundown of features and reviews to help you make your decision.

Name Smartcat Kaplan Desktop
Review breakdown
(103 reviews)
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Most helpful review
Great tool. Very comfort and helpful
I used this tool above year and be cool with it. Program is constant in progress and getting better. I'm using it for freelance translation and can tell that this tool easy in use and have a lot of free helpful option. Machine translation is paid, but not expansive. Quality of this translation is not excellent, but, hey, where did you see great machine translation? It's just a help instrument, and it's more better Google translate(for example). I really recommend SmartCat. Just try!
10 out of 13 found this review helpful.

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Product description

Smartcat is an all-in-one platform connecting businesses and translators into a continuous translation delivery loop by combining a collaborative workflow solution, a marketplace, and a network of translation professionals.

Figures as of mid-2019:
* 10,000+ LSPs and end customers
* 250,000+ freelancers
* 70+ partners in 40+ countries

Experience the next generation of translation technologies and boost your translation business efficiency from day one — join for free at smartcat.ai

Free and open source CAT tool for linguists. Source code: https://github.com/kaplanPRO/kaplan-desktop Kaplan also offers a Python library for most CAT functions which one may use to develop their own CAT tool. The source code for the Python library: https://github.com/kaplanPRO/kaplanpy Both Kaplan Desktop and kaplanpy are distributed under the MIT License. For more information, please visit the project homepage at https://kaplan.pro
Price free Free
File formats DOCX, DOC, TXT, RTF, ODT, HTML, HTM, XLSX, XLS, PPT, PPTX, POTX, PPS, PPSX, ODP, TTX, RESX, ZIP, CSV, IDML, SDLXLIFF, XLF, XLIFF, PDF, BMP, DCX, PCX, PNG, JP2, JPC, JPG, JPEG, JFIF, TIF, TIFF, GIF, DJ docx, odp, ods, odt, po, sdlxliff, txt, xliff
License type Perpetual Perpetual, open source
Operating system Apple iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux, Other, Android Windows, Linux
System requirements No need
No data
No data
No data
Support and upgrades offered/included
No data
N/A - Software is free, Free upgrades for duration of license/Subscription, Free upgrades to all future versions, Installation support, Free installation and licensing support
Support and tutorial links http://www.smartcat.ai/webinar [email protected]
Free trial http://www.smartcat.ai/
No data
Languages supported English, Russian, Chinese, Turkish
No data

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